FIXfeelings: Vulgar
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Grades | All feelings (large) |
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[ 0-A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | K-L | M | N | O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-W | Y-Z ]
[ Vulgar | Aggressive | Funny | Tactile | Friendly | Red | White | Affectionate | Positive | Negative | Audible | Superior | Inferior | Malignant | Burgeois ]
You (wo/focus): | You make flatulent noises with your armpit. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon makes flatulent noises with his armpit. |
Classes: | audible, funny, vulgar |
You (w/focus): | You fuck Loffen in the ass. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon fucks Loffen in the ass. |
Him/her: | Nixon fucks you in the ass. |
You (wo/focus): | Your ass becomes a perfect *. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon's ass becomes a perfect *. |
Classes: | negative, vulgar, aggressive |
You (w/focus): | You barf all over Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon barfs all over Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon barfs all over you. |
You (wo/focus): | You barf all over the place. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon barfs all over the place. |
Classes: | vulgar, tactile, aggressive, negative |
You (wo/focus): | You belch loudly. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon belches loudly. |
Default extension: | loudly |
Classes: | vulgar, negative, audible |
You (wo/focus): | You bend over. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon bends over. |
Classes: | inferior, vulgar |
Created: | 20010421 |
You (wo/focus): | You down a delicious cold Guinness that looks so good it makes everyone envious, you give a great big cheer and a grin. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon downs a delicious cold Guinness that looks so good that it makes you envious, he gives a great big cheer and a grin. |
Group: | truls_e.naess |
Classes: | vulgar, audible |
Story: | Special feeling added to Mastyr as a reward for him becoming sigop of the Norwegian music conference (a job he has executed better than any sigop), and to keep him from repeating his *guzzle and *canhead feelings to often. Sadly, he has seems to have forgotten about this one. |
You (w/focus): | You burn Loffen's bottom up. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon burns Loffen's bottom up. |
Him/her: | Nixon burns your bottom up. |
Karma: | -2 |
Classes: | vulgar, aggressive, funny, tactile, negative, superior |
You (w/focus): | You burp Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon burps Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon burps you. |
You (wo/focus): | You burp. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon burps. |
Classes: | vulgar, audible, negative |
You (wo/focus): | You crush a beer can on your forehead. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon crushes a beer can on his forehead. |
Classes: | vulgar, funny |
Story: | Probably picked up from the LimaMUD system, which probably got it from Beavis and Butthead. |
You (wo/focus): | You beat your chest. Thump, thump, thump! |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon beats his chest. Thump, thump, thump! |
Classes: | funny, audible, vulgar, aggressive, positive |
You (wo/focus): | You sip your coffee and make annoying slurping noises. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sips his coffee and makes annoying slurping noises. |
Classes: | audible, funny, vulgar |
You (w/focus): | You drool all over Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon drools all over Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon drools all over you. |
You (wo/focus): | You drool all over your chest. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon drools all over his chest. |
Classes: | vulgar, negative, inferior |
You (w/focus): | Du dubbelknullar Loffen konstant. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon dubbelknullar Loffen konstant. |
Him/her: | Nixon dubbelknullar dig konstant. |
Classes: | negative, vulgar, tactile |
Created: | 20010421 |
You (w/focus): | You laugh wickedly, while lobbing raw eggs at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon laughs wickedly, while lobbing raw eggs at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon laughs wickedly, while lobbing raw eggs at you. |
Default grade: | wickedly |
Karma: | -1 |
Classes: | negative, vulgar, aggressive, audible |
You (wo/focus): | You ejaculate. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon ejaculates. |
Classes: | vulgar |
You (wo/focus): | You have an erection. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon has an erection. |
Classes: | vulgar |
Created: | 19991123 |
You (wo/focus): | You erigate yourself, by sheer force of will. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon erigates himself, by sheer force of will. |
Classes: | funny, vulgar |
Created: | 20010421 |
You (wo/focus): | You expel intestinal gases through the anus. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon expels intestinal gases through the anus. |
Classes: | vulgar |
Created: | 20040531 |
You (w/focus): | You make faces at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon makes faces at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon makes faces at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You make a face. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon makes a face. |
Classes: | negative, vulgar |
You (w/focus): | You fart in Loffen's general direction. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon farts in Loffen's general direction. |
Him/her: | Nixon farts in your general direction. |
You (wo/focus): | You fart. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon farts. |
Karma: | -1 |
Classes: | vulgar, audible, negative |
Story: | From the Monty Python film "Monty Python and the Knights of the Round Table", where the Frenchmen asked by King Arthur for directions to the Grail answers by taunting him, saying amongst other things "Your mother was an 'amster and your father smelled of elderberries. I fart in your general direction, you and your stupid English knnniggits." |
You (wo/focus): | You flex your muscles. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon flexes his muscles. |
Classes: | funny, vulgar, superior |
You (w/focus): | You focus a beam of powerful gay-rays at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon focuses a beam of powerful gay-rays at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon focuses a beam of powerful gay-rays at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You emit powerful gay-rays. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon emits powerful gay-rays. |
Classes: | vulgar, funny |
Story: | I don't know where the "gay ray" expression comes from (ask Tarjei "Mygel" Tjoenn or Ingrid "Dita" Oppsahl), but this feeling was added for Dita, after Tarjei used it as a "/me" emote a few times. |
You (wo/focus): | You gurgle. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon gurgles. |
Classes: | vulgar, audible |
You (wo/focus): | You have had her, so it doesn't matter. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon has had her, so it doesn't matter. |
Classes: | vulgar |
You (wo/focus): | You have a hardon. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon has a hardon. |
Classes: | funny, vulgar |
Created: | 19991123 |
You (w/focus): | You headbutt Loffen to the floor. |
Them (w/focus): | Loffen headbutts Loffen to the floor. |
Him/her: | Nixon headbutts you to the floor. |
Classes: | tactile, aggressive, negative, vulgar |
You (wo/focus): | You pull down your pants and do the helicopter. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon pulls down his pants and does the helicopter. |
Classes: | vulgar, funny |
You (w/focus): | You hoot at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon hoots at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon hoots at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You hoot. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon hoots. |
Classes: | vulgar, friendly, negative, audible |
You (w/focus): | You hump Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon humps Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon humps you. |
Classes: | tactile, vulgar, funny |
You (wo/focus): | You jack off into the net. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon jacks off into the net. |
Default extension: | into the net |
Classes: | vulgar |
Created: | 20010422 |
You (w/focus): | You jerk Loffen off. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon jerks Loffen off. |
Him/her: | Nixon jerks you off. |
You (wo/focus): | You jerk off. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon jerks off. |
Karma: | -5 |
Classes: | vulgar, funny, negative |
You (wo/focus): | Du knar pung. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon knar pung. |
Classes: | vulgar |
Created: | 20010421 |
You (w/focus): | You lick Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon licks Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon licks you. |
Classes: | affectionate, friendly, positive, vulgar, tactile |
You (wo/focus): | You turn the lights down low. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon turns the lights down low. |
Classes: | affectionate, vulgar |
Created: | 2001 |
You (wo/focus): | You lube up. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon lubes up. |
Classes: | vulgar |
Created: | 20020921 |
You (w/focus): | You moonwalk up and down Loffen's ass. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon moonwalks up and down Loffen's ass. |
Him/her: | Nixon moonwalks up and down your ass. |
Classes: | negative, vulgar, funny, tactile |
Story: | What Michael Jackson threatens to do in Eddie Murphy's "Raw". |
You (w/focus): | You nibble at Loffen's ear. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon nibbles at Loffen's ear. |
Him/her: | Nixon nibbles at your ear. |
Classes: | tactile, friendly, vulgar, affectionate, funny |
You (wo/focus): | You roll your eyes and make an obscene hand gesture. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon rolls his eyes and makes an obscene hand gesture. |
Classes: | vulgar, funny, negative, superior |
You (wo/focus): | You hang out your tongue and pant heavily. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon hangs out his tongue and pants heavily. |
Default extension: | heavily |
Classes: | vulgar, negative |
You (w/focus): | You take your pants off to Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon takes his pants off to Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon takes his pants off to you. |
You (wo/focus): | You take your pants off. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon takes his pants off. |
Classes: | friendly, positive, funny, vulgar |
You (w/focus): | You pick Loffen's nose. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon picks Loffen's nose. |
Him/her: | Nixon picks your nose. |
You (wo/focus): | You pick your nose. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon picks his nose. |
Karma: | -2 |
Classes: | vulgar, negative |
You (wo/focus): | You instigate an apartment wide pornsweep. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon instigates an apartment wide pornsweep. |
Classes: | vulgar, funny |
Created: | 20010801 |
You (wo/focus): | Du suger promp. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon suger promp. |
Classes: | vulgar |
Created: | 20010421 |
You (w/focus): | You puke on Loffen's shoes. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon pukes on Loffen's shoes. |
Him/her: | Nixon pukes on your shoes. |
You (wo/focus): | You puke on your shoes. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon pukes on his shoes. |
Classes: | vulgar, aggressive, funny, negative |
You (w/focus): | You rape Loffen's nostrils. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon rapes Loffen's nostrils. |
Him/her: | Nixon rapes your nostrils. |
Classes: | vulgar, funny, tactile, negative |
You (w/focus): | You give Loffen a rimjob. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon gives Loffen a rimjob. |
Him/her: | Nixon gives you a rimjob. |
Classes: | tactile, vulgar, affectionate |
Created: | 20010421 |
You (wo/focus): | You let off a real rip-roarer. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon lets off a real rip-roarer. |
Classes: | negative, audible, vulgar |
You (w/focus): | You rub up against Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon rubs up against Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon rubs up against you. |
Classes: | funny, tactile, vulgar |
You (wo/focus): | You snap on a rubber glove. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon snaps on a rubber glove. |
Classes: | funny, vulgar |
You (wo/focus): | You pick your scabs. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon picks his scabs. |
Classes: | vulgar |
You (wo/focus): | You scratch your armpit. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon scratches his armpit. |
Classes: | vulgar |
You (w/focus): | You take that shampoo bottle and shove it up Loffen's ass. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon takes that shampoo bottle and shoves it up Loffen's ass. |
Him/her: | Nixon takes that shampoo bottle and shoves it up your ass. |
You (wo/focus): | You take that shampoo bottle and shove it up your ass. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon takes that shampoo bottle and shoves it up his ass. |
Classes: | funny, vulgar, tactile |
Created: | 19991207 |
You (w/focus): | You are violently sick on Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon is violently sick on Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon is violently sick on you. |
You (wo/focus): | You're gonna be sick. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon's gonna be sick. |
Default grade: | violently |
Classes: | negative, audible, tactile, vulgar |
You (w/focus): | Du sjokler bæsj, og spytter det ut på Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon sjokler bæsj, og spytter det ut på Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon sjokler bæsj, og spytter det ut på deg. |
You (wo/focus): | Du sjokler bæsj. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sjokler bæsj. |
Classes: | vulgar, tactile |
You (wo/focus): | You soil yourself. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon soils himself. |
Classes: | vulgar |
Created: | 20050513 |
You (w/focus): | You spit on Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon spits on Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon spits on you. |
You (wo/focus): | You spit on the ground. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon spits on the ground. |
Karma: | -1 |
Classes: | vulgar, aggressive, negative |
You (wo/focus): | You spread your legs. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon spreads his legs. |
Classes: | inferior, vulgar |
Created: | 20010421 |
You (wo/focus): | You let loose a real stinker. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon lets loose a real stinker. |
Classes: | negative, vulgar |
You (wo/focus): | You don a strapon. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon dons a strapon. |
Classes: | vulgar |
Created: | 20010421 |
You (w/focus): | You put your hand on Loffen's thigh. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon puts his hand on Loffen's thigh. |
Him/her: | Nixon puts his hand on your thigh. |
Classes: | affectionate, vulgar, tactile |
Created: | 20010801 |
You (wo/focus): | You unzip your pants. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon unzips his pants. |
Classes: | vulgar |
You (w/focus): | You vomit all over Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon vomits all over Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon vomits all over you. |
You (wo/focus): | You vomit all over the place. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon vomits all over the place. |
Classes: | vulgar, negative, audible |
You (w/focus): | You whistle at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon whistles at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon whistles at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You whistle. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon whistles. |
Classes: | vulgar, friendly, negative, affectionate, audible |
You (wo/focus): | You wiggle your ass. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon wiggles his ass. |
Classes: | vulgar, funny |
Created: | 19991123 |
You (wo/focus): | You sport wood. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sports wood. |
Classes: | vulgar |
Created: | 20030412 |
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Grades | All feelings (large) |
All feelings, sorted by creation date ]
[ 0-A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | K-L | M | N | O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-W | Y-Z ]
[ Vulgar | Aggressive | Funny | Tactile | Friendly | Red | White | Affectionate | Positive | Negative | Audible | Superior | Inferior | Malignant | Burgeois ]