Feeling: | ACK |
You (wo/focus): | You ack. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon acks. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | AHOy |
You (w/focus): | You ahoy Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon ahoys Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon ahoys you. |
You (wo/focus): | You ahoy. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon ahoys. |
Karma: | 1 |
Classes: | friendly, positive, audible |
Feeling: | ALArm |
You (wo/focus): | You sound the alarm. Auha! Auha! |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sounds the alarm. Auha! Auha! |
Classes: | audible, negative |
Story: | Hartvig had a thing about submarines, and particulary enjoyed the phrase "Auha! Emergency surface!". On a misty morning at The Gathering 94 (or something), Hans Petter and Daniel found various "auha" directories strewn about our hard disks. There is disagreement whether this was actually "ahuha" or "auha". The "alarm" concept is also related to Bored of the Rings, where the quote is something like this: '[This or that spoof on LoTR] should certainly be enough to sound the alarm (or "alarum", as a certain professor would prefer)...' |
Feeling: | APPlaude |
You (w/focus): | You applaud Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon applauds Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon applauds you. |
You (wo/focus): | You give a round of applause. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon gives a round of applause. |
Classes: | friendly, positive, audible |
Feeling: | ARMPit |
You (wo/focus): | You make flatulent noises with your armpit. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon makes flatulent noises with his armpit. |
Classes: | audible, funny, vulgar |
Feeling: | BAwl |
You (wo/focus): | You bawl your eyes out. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon bawls his eyes out. |
Classes: | negative, audible |
Feeling: | BEG |
You (w/focus): | You beg Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon begs Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon begs you. |
You (wo/focus): | You beg. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon begs. |
Karma: | -1 |
Classes: | negative, audible, inferior |
Feeling: | BELch |
You (wo/focus): | You belch loudly. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon belches loudly. |
Default extension: | loudly |
Classes: | vulgar, negative, audible |
Feeling: | BEer |
You (wo/focus): | You down a delicious cold Guinness that looks so good it makes everyone envious, you give a great big cheer and a grin. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon downs a delicious cold Guinness that looks so good that it makes you envious, he gives a great big cheer and a grin. |
Group: | truls_e.naess |
Classes: | vulgar, audible |
Story: | Special feeling added to Mastyr as a reward for him becoming sigop of the Norwegian music conference (a job he has executed better than any sigop), and to keep him from repeating his *guzzle and *canhead feelings to often. Sadly, he has seems to have forgotten about this one. |
Feeling: | BUCKEt |
You (wo/focus): | You put a metal bucket over your head and bang away at it with a spoon. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon puts a metal bucket over his head and bangs away at it with a spoon. |
Classes: | audible |
Created: | 20010801 |
Feeling: | BURP |
You (w/focus): | You burp Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon burps Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon burps you. |
You (wo/focus): | You burp. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon burps. |
Classes: | vulgar, audible, negative |
Feeling: | CACkle |
You (wo/focus): | You throw your head back and cackle. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon throws his head back and cackles. |
Classes: | negative, audible, malignant, superior |
Feeling: | CHANt |
You (wo/focus): | You chant. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon chants. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | CHEEr |
You (w/focus): | You cheer at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon cheers at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon cheers at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You cheer. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon cheers. |
Classes: | friendly, positive, audible |
Feeling: | CHESt |
You (wo/focus): | You beat your chest. Thump, thump, thump! |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon beats his chest. Thump, thump, thump! |
Classes: | funny, audible, vulgar, aggressive, positive |
Feeling: | CHIrp |
You (wo/focus): | You chirp. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon chirps. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | CHUckle |
You (wo/focus): | You chuckle. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon chuckles. |
Classes: | positive, audible |
Feeling: | CLAphands |
You (wo/focus): | You clap your hands. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon claps his hands. |
Classes: | audible, positive |
Feeling: | CLEar |
You (wo/focus): | You clear your throat. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon clears his throat. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | CLUck |
You (wo/focus): | You cluck to yourself. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon clucks to himself. |
Classes: | positive, audible |
Feeling: | COFfee |
You (wo/focus): | You sip your coffee and make annoying slurping noises. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sips his coffee and makes annoying slurping noises. |
Classes: | audible, funny, vulgar |
Feeling: | COMBust |
You (wo/focus): | You spontaneously combust. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon spontaneously combusts. |
Default grade: | spontaneously |
Classes: | funny, negative, audible |
Feeling: | COMPLain |
You (w/focus): | You complain about Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon complains about Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon complains about you. |
You (wo/focus): | You complain. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon complains. |
Classes: | negative, audible |
Feeling: | CONGratulate |
You (w/focus): | You congratulate Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon congratulates Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon congratulates you. |
Karma: | 2 |
Classes: | friendly, positive, audible |
Feeling: | COUGh |
You (wo/focus): | You cough. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon coughs. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | CRACkup |
You (wo/focus): | You crack up. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon cracks up. |
Classes: | positive, audible |
Feeling: | CROTch |
You (wo/focus): | You grab your crotch, Michael Jackson style. Hoo! |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon grabs his crotch, Michael Jackson style. Hoo! |
Classes: | funny, audible |
Created: | 20040118 |
Feeling: | CRY |
You (wo/focus): | You burst into tears. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon bursts into tears. |
Classes: | negative, inferior, audible |
Feeling: | DEFCon |
You (wo/focus): | You go to Defcon in bundles of 10. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon goes to Defcon in bundles of 10. |
Default extension: | in bundles of 10 |
Classes: | negative, audible, aggressive |
Story: | The Defcon-grades, ranging from 5 to 1, is a scale the US of A uses when threatened by war. First seen on screen in the movie "Wargames", it has now become a common term. |
Feeling: | DEGauss |
You (wo/focus): | You press the degauss button. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon presses the degauss button. |
Classes: | audible, funny |
Feeling: | DUH |
You (wo/focus): | You slap your forehead and go DUH! |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon slaps his forehead and goes DUH! |
Classes: | audible, superior, negative |
Feeling: | EGG |
You (w/focus): | You laugh wickedly, while lobbing raw eggs at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon laughs wickedly, while lobbing raw eggs at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon laughs wickedly, while lobbing raw eggs at you. |
Default grade: | wickedly |
Karma: | -1 |
Classes: | negative, vulgar, aggressive, audible |
Feeling: | EMPty |
You (w/focus): | You empty your revolver at Loffen. Blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, click, click, click. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon empties his revolver at Loffen. Blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, click, click, click. |
Him/her: | Nixon empties his revolver at you. Blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, click, click, click. |
Classes: | negative, aggressive, audible |
Feeling: | EXplode |
You (wo/focus): | You exclaim OH NO! and explode. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon exclaims OH NO! and explodes. |
Classes: | funny, negative, audible |
Story: | A reference to the computergame "Lemmings", when the little bastards always exclaims "OH NO!" and explodes, sending a spray of confetti everywhere. |
Feeling: | FARt |
You (w/focus): | You fart in Loffen's general direction. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon farts in Loffen's general direction. |
Him/her: | Nixon farts in your general direction. |
You (wo/focus): | You fart. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon farts. |
Karma: | -1 |
Classes: | vulgar, audible, negative |
Story: | From the Monty Python film "Monty Python and the Knights of the Round Table", where the Frenchmen asked by King Arthur for directions to the Grail answers by taunting him, saying amongst other things "Your mother was an 'amster and your father smelled of elderberries. I fart in your general direction, you and your stupid English knnniggits." |
Feeling: | FDL |
You (wo/focus): | You fall down laughing. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon falls down laughing. |
Classes: | audible, positive, friendly |
Created: | 19991123 |
Feeling: | FUSe |
You (wo/focus): | You blow a fuse. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon blows a fuse. |
Classes: | audible, funny |
Feeling: | GASp |
You (wo/focus): | You gasp in astonishment. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon gasps in astonishment. |
Default extension: | in astonishment |
Classes: | audible, negative |
Feeling: | GEEk |
You (wo/focus): | I am geek, hear me squeak! |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon is geek, hear him squeak! |
Classes: | funny, audible |
Created: | 19991123 |
Feeling: | GIGgle |
You (wo/focus): | You giggle. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon giggles. |
Karma: | 1 |
Classes: | positive, audible |
Feeling: | GNAShteeth |
You (wo/focus): | You gnash your teeth. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon gnashes his teeth. |
Classes: | audible |
Created: | 20020329 |
Feeling: | GOODHit |
You (w/focus): | You hit Loffen. It was a good hit! |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon hits Loffen. It was a good hit! |
Him/her: | Nixon hits you. It was a good hit! |
Classes: | negative, audible, aggressive |
Story: | When attacking a monster in the ASCII-based game "Rogue", it says "You hit the bat. It was a good/superb hit!". Also Angband and Moria. Se also *pack. One in a series of oldie-game related feelings added by Daniel and Hans Petter including *civilians and *maze. |
Feeling: | GRIT |
You (wo/focus): | You grit your teeth. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon grits his teeth. |
Classes: | audible, negative |
Created: | 19991123 |
Feeling: | GROAn |
You (wo/focus): | You groan. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon groans. |
Classes: | negative, audible |
Feeling: | GROWl |
You (w/focus): | You growl at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon growls at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon growls at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You growl. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon growls. |
Classes: | audible, negative |
Feeling: | GRUmble |
You (w/focus): | You grumble at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon grumbles at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon grumbles at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You grumble. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon grumbles. |
Classes: | audible, negative |
Feeling: | GRUnt |
You (wo/focus): | You grunt. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon grunts. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | GULp |
You (wo/focus): | You gulp. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon gulps. |
Classes: | negative, audible |
Feeling: | GURgle |
You (wo/focus): | You gurgle. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon gurgles. |
Classes: | vulgar, audible |
Feeling: | HAIl |
You (w/focus): | You hail Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon hails Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon hails you. |
Classes: | friendly, positive, audible |
Feeling: | HAIr |
You (w/focus): | You run up to Loffen, and tear his hair out, huge gobs at a time. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon runs up to Loffen, and tears his hair out, huge gobs at a time. |
Him/her: | Nixon runs up to you, and tears your hair out. |
You (wo/focus): | You tear your hair out, huge gobs at a time. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon tears his hair out, huge gobs at a time. |
Classes: | audible, tactile, malignant, negative |
Feeling: | HI |
You (w/focus): | You say hi to Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon says hi to Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon says hi to you. |
You (wo/focus): | You say hi. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon says hi. |
Classes: | friendly, positive, audible |
Feeling: | HICcup |
You (wo/focus): | You hiccup. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon hiccups. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | HISs |
You (w/focus): | You hiss at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon hisses at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon hisses at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You hiss. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon hisses. |
Classes: | negative, aggressive, audible |
Feeling: | HOHum |
You (wo/focus): | You hohum. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon hohums. |
Classes: | positive, audible |
Feeling: | HOLLer |
You (w/focus): | You holler at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon hollers at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon hollers at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You holler. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon hollers. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | HONK |
You (w/focus): | You honk at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon honks at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon honks at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You honk. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon honks. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | HOOm |
You (wo/focus): | You hoom. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon hooms. |
Classes: | positive, audible |
Feeling: | HOOt |
You (w/focus): | You hoot at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon hoots at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon hoots at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You hoot. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon hoots. |
Classes: | vulgar, friendly, negative, audible |
Feeling: | HOWl |
You (w/focus): | You howl at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon howls at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon howls at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You howl. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon howls. |
Classes: | negative, audible |
Feeling: | HUM |
You (wo/focus): | You hum. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon hums. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | HYDr |
You (w/focus): | You hydr evilly at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon hydrs evilly at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon hydrs evilly at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You hydr evilly. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon hydrs evilly. |
Default grade: | evilly |
Classes: | malignant, negative, audible |
Feeling: | INTernationale |
You (wo/focus): | You start to sing L'internationale! |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon starts to sing L'internationale! |
Group: | comrades |
Classes: | red, audible, positive |
Feeling: | KNUckles |
You (wo/focus): | You crack your knuckles. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon cracks his knuckles. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | LAUgh |
You (w/focus): | You laugh at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon laughs at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon laughs at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You laugh. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon laughs. |
Classes: | audible, positive, friendly |
Feeling: | LOCkandload |
You (wo/focus): | You lock and load. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon locks and loads. |
Classes: | audible, superior |
Feeling: | LOL |
You (wo/focus): | You laugh out loud. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon laughs out loud. |
Classes: | positive, audible |
Feeling: | LOOKslike |
You (wo/focus): | Looks like a job for STUPENDOUS MAN! |
Them (wo/focus): | Looks like a job for STUPENDOUS MAN! |
Default extension: | STUPENDOUS MAN |
Group: | sysops |
Classes: | funny, superior, audible |
Feeling: | LUNgclamp |
You (w/focus): | You shoot a lung clamp into Loffen's chest. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon shoots a lung clamp into Loffen's chest. |
Him/her: | Nixon shoots a lung clamp into your chest. |
Group: | daniel.mikkelsen |
Classes: | aggressive, tactile, negative, audible, superior, malignant |
Story: | From a very strange dream Daniel once had. Documented in a message in a conference somewhere. A search for "lungeklemme" on http://find.fix.no/ should find it. |
Feeling: | MEEp |
You (wo/focus): | You meep. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon meeps. |
Classes: | audible, inferior |
Feeling: | MEOw |
You (wo/focus): | You meow. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon meows. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | MIKE |
You (w/focus): | You turn off Loffen's mike. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon turns off Loffen's mike. |
Him/her: | Nixon turns off your mike. |
You (wo/focus): | You tap your collar microphone. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon taps his collar microphone. |
Classes: | audible, funny |
Feeling: | MOAn |
You (wo/focus): | You start to moan. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon starts to moan. |
Classes: | audible, negative |
Feeling: | MUMble |
You (w/focus): | You mumble something to Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon mumbles something to Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon mumbles something to you. |
You (wo/focus): | You mumble. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon mumbles. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | MUTter |
You (wo/focus): | You mutter something to yourself. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon mutters something to himself. |
Classes: | negative, inferior, audible |
Feeling: | NAILs |
You (wo/focus): | You bite nails. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon bites nails. |
Classes: | inferior, audible |
Created: | 20050513 |
Feeling: | NAIl |
You (w/focus): | You nail Loffen to the floor. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon nails Loffen to the floor. |
Him/her: | Nixon nails you to the floor. |
Classes: | negative, aggressive, superior, malignant, audible, tactile |
Feeling: | NIh |
You (w/focus): | You go NI! at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon goes NI! at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon goes NI! at you. |
Karma: | -5 |
Classes: | malignant, audible, superior, negative, aggressive |
Story: | "The Knights Who Say Ni!" threatens King Arthur in "Monty Python and the Knights of the Round Table" by saying NI! to torment them. |
Feeling: | OMmm |
You (wo/focus): | You oommm. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon oommms. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | PLANEcrash |
You (wo/focus): | You make like a plane, crashing. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon makes like a plane, crashing. |
Classes: | negative, audible, funny |
Feeling: | PURR |
You (wo/focus): | You purr contendedly. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon purrs contendedly. |
Default extension: | contendedly |
Classes: | audible, friendly, positive, affectionate |
Feeling: | RANT |
You (wo/focus): | You rant. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon rants. |
Classes: | audible |
Created: | 20020412 |
Feeling: | RAP |
You (wo/focus): | You rap. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon raps. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | REJoice |
You (wo/focus): | You rejoice! |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon rejoices! |
Classes: | positive, audible |
Feeling: | RHYme |
You (wo/focus): | You rhyme. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon rhymes. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | RIPRoarer |
You (wo/focus): | You let off a real rip-roarer. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon lets off a real rip-roarer. |
Classes: | negative, audible, vulgar |
Feeling: | ROAr |
You (wo/focus): | You roar with laughter. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon roars with laughter. |
Default extension: | with laughter |
Classes: | positive, audible |
Feeling: | ROTFL |
You (wo/focus): | You roll on the floor laughing. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon rolls on the floor laughing. |
Classes: | positive, audible |
Feeling: | SCReam |
You (wo/focus): | You scream. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon screams. |
Classes: | audible, negative |
Feeling: | SHOTgun |
You (w/focus): | You slug away at Loffen with your shotgun. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon slugs away at Loffen with his shotgun. |
Him/her: | Nixon slugs away at you with his shotgun. |
Karma: | -3 |
Classes: | negative, aggressive, audible |
Feeling: | SICK |
You (w/focus): | You are violently sick on Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon is violently sick on Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon is violently sick on you. |
You (wo/focus): | You're gonna be sick. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon's gonna be sick. |
Default grade: | violently |
Classes: | negative, audible, tactile, vulgar |
Feeling: | SIGh |
You (wo/focus): | You sigh deeply. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sighs deeply. |
Default extension: | deeply |
Classes: | audible, negative |
Feeling: | SINg |
You (w/focus): | You sing along with Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon sings along with Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon sings along with you. |
You (wo/focus): | You sing. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sings. |
Classes: | friendly, positive, audible |
Feeling: | SJOin |
You (wo/focus): | You join in the singing. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon joins in the singing. |
Classes: | friendly, audible, inferior, positive |
Feeling: | SLAPHead |
You (w/focus): | You slap your forehead at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon slaps his forehead at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon slaps his forehead at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You slap your forehead. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon slaps his forehead. |
Classes: | negative, superior, audible |
Feeling: | SLEEp |
You (w/focus): | You crawl into bed with Loffen and fall asleep. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon crawls into bed with Loffen and falls asleep. |
Him/her: | Nixon crawls into bed with you and falls asleep. |
You (wo/focus): | You fall asleep. (Thump!) |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon falls asleep. (Thump!) |
Classes: | funny, audible |
Feeling: | SNAP |
You (w/focus): | You snap your fingers at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon snaps his fingers at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon snaps his fingers at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You snap your fingers. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon snaps his fingers. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | SNArl |
You (w/focus): | You snarl at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon snarls at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon snarls at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You snarl. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon snarls. |
Classes: | audible, negative, aggressive |
Feeling: | SNEER |
You (w/focus): | You sneer at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon sneers at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon sneers at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You sneer. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sneers. |
Classes: | audible, negative, aggressive |
Feeling: | SNEEZe |
You (w/focus): | You sneeze all over Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon sneezes all over Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon sneezes all over you. |
You (wo/focus): | You sneeze. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sneezes. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | SNEeze |
You (wo/focus): | You sneeze. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sneezes. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | SNICker |
You (wo/focus): | You snicker. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon snickers. |
Classes: | audible, negative, superior, malignant |
Feeling: | SNIFf |
You (wo/focus): | You sniff. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sniffs. |
Classes: | audible, negative |
Feeling: | SNOrt |
You (w/focus): | You snort at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon snorts at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon snorts at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You snort. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon snorts. |
Classes: | negative, superior, audible |
Feeling: | SOB |
You (wo/focus): | You sob. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sobs. |
Classes: | negative, audible, inferior |
Feeling: | SOOther |
You (wo/focus): | You set your soother for babbling brook. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sets his soother for babbling brook. |
Classes: | audible |
Created: | 20010421 |
Feeling: | SPINDown |
You (wo/focus): | You spin down. Whheeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmm. Click. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon spins down. Wheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmm. Click. |
Classes: | funny, audible |
Story: | Hard disk emoticon. Nothing special about it except it marked an awareness of he problem of which words should be key words for feelings, as Joakim wanted this to be *spin, while I preferred *down (with *spin already talken, and all). Also, some people didn't like the IRCishness of this feeling. |
Feeling: | SQUEak |
You (wo/focus): | You squeak. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon squeaks. |
Classes: | audible |
Created: | 20030412 |
Feeling: | SQUeal |
You (wo/focus): | You squeal in delight. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon squeals in delight. |
Classes: | audible, positive, friendly |
Feeling: | STOmach |
You (wo/focus): | Your stomach rumbles and groans. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon's stomach rumbles and groans. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | STRIke |
You (w/focus): | You call for a general strike against Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon calls for a general strike against Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon calls for a general strike against you. |
You (wo/focus): | You call for a general strike! |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon calls for a general strike! |
Group: | comrades |
Classes: | red, aggressive, positive, audible |
Feeling: | SUPERBHit |
You (w/focus): | You hit Loffen. It was a superb hit! |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon hits Loffen. It was a superb hit! |
Him/her: | Nixon hits you. It was a superb hit! |
Classes: | negative, audible, aggressive |
Story: | See GOODHit. |
Feeling: | SUSPenders |
You (wo/focus): | You lean back and snap your suspenders. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon leans back and snaps his suspenders. |
Classes: | funny, audible |
Feeling: | SWEAt |
You (wo/focus): | You sweat like a pig. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon sweats like a pig. |
Classes: | audible, negative |
Feeling: | SWEar |
You (wo/focus): | You swear. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon swears. |
Karma: | -4 |
Classes: | negative, audible |
Feeling: | TACKA |
You (wo/focus): | Du vill tacka livet. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon vill tacka livet. |
Classes: | audible, funny |
Feeling: | TWIstandshout |
You (wo/focus): | You twist and shout. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon twists and shouts. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | VOMit |
You (w/focus): | You vomit all over Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon vomits all over Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon vomits all over you. |
You (wo/focus): | You vomit all over the place. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon vomits all over the place. |
Classes: | vulgar, negative, audible |
Feeling: | WAIL |
You (wo/focus): | You wail loudly. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon wails loudly. |
Default extension: | loudly |
Classes: | negative, audible, inferior |
Feeling: | WEEP |
You (wo/focus): | You weep. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon weeps. |
Classes: | negative, audible, inferior |
Feeling: | WHIMper |
You (wo/focus): | You whimper. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon whimpers. |
Classes: | audible, negative |
Feeling: | WHINe |
You (wo/focus): | You whine. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon whines. |
Classes: | negative, audible |
Feeling: | WHISPer |
You (w/focus): | You whisper into Loffen's ear. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon whispers into Loffen's ear. |
Him/her: | Nixon whispers into your ear. |
You (wo/focus): | You whisper. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon whispers. |
Classes: | audible |
Feeling: | WHIStle |
You (w/focus): | You whistle at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon whistles at Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon whistles at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You whistle. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon whistles. |
Classes: | vulgar, friendly, negative, affectionate, audible |
Feeling: | YEll |
You (w/focus): | You yell at Loffen. |
Them (w/focus): | Nixon yells Loffen. |
Him/her: | Nixon yells at you. |
You (wo/focus): | You yell. |
Them (wo/focus): | Nixon yells. |
Classes: | negative, aggressive, audible |